Autodesk® Vault® Developments

Extensions and Tools

The Academic Package


You are a lecturer and you want to set up a CAD course? The Academic Package for Autodesk® Vault® provides you everything you need to setup a Vault for your CAD course or Tutorial. To create a student user, assign it to a team group and a subgroup, create a folder and assign ACLs - this procedure takes about 60 mouse clicks - something you do not want to do for 100+ students. With the SetupStudent extension, you can create these users and the needed structures on the fly from your participants list.

You have probably already installed the Windows instller .msi file, which is available from the Autodesk® AppStore. If you are missing something or you have an idea how to improve the package, please let me know.

Basic functions

The idea behind the academic package is to stay as close to the "out-of-the-box" setup of the Vault and at the same time avoid some shortcoming of it. With the Academic Package you will be able to...


This Academic Package contains:

Basic Installation Steps

The installation should be straight forward. Please follow the steps below. If you encounter any errors, then please send me a mail and make a screenshot.